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FAQ 8.46

Financial assistance


Pursuant to Rule 8.25(2)(a)(i) of the ACE LR, where a listed corporation or any of its subsidiaries provides financial assistance, the board of directors must ensure, amongst others, that the provision of financial assistance is fair and reasonable to the listed corporation. What would be considered as "fair and reasonable"?

What would be considered as “fair and reasonable” is subjective and varies from case to case. To ascertain the fairness and reasonableness of the financial assistance granted, the board of directors is required to make an assessment of the circumstances and terms of the provision of financial assistance including comparisons with market practices. For instance, if the proposal is for a one-off lump sum payment to be given to a sub-contractor for services rendered in the listed corporation’s housing development project when the market practice is typically for advances to be given by way of instalments and subject to certification of staggered work done by the sub-contractor, the board of directors should scrutinise the proposal to see whether there are exceptional circumstances to justify that such an advance is nonetheless fair and reasonable.