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FAQ 9.13

Prescribed events which require immediate announcement


A chief executive resigns and provides the official reasons for his resignation in his letter to the listed corporation. The listed corporation makes the announcement required under Rule 9.19(14)(b) of the ACE LR. Subsequently, the actual reasons for the resignation of the chief executive surfaced. Will there be any enforcement action taken against the listed corporation in this instance by Bursa Securities?

In making an announcement, the listed corporation must ensure adherence to the requirements under the ACE LR including Rule 9.16(1) which requires the listed corporation to make, amongst others, clear, factual and accurate announcements. Where there are discrepancies in the said announcement, Bursa Securities will investigate to see whether the listed corporation has done all that is necessary to ensure factual and accurate disclosure of facts. Additionally, under Rule 9.16(4) of the ACE LR, the listed corporation is required to immediately notify Bursa Securities when it becomes aware that the announcement does not fulfill the requirements of Rule 9.16(1) of the ACE LR, and do the necessary to rectify the earlier announcement made. If, in the course of Bursa Securities’ investigation, it is found that the listed corporation has not taken the necessary steps to ensure accurate and complete disclosure of information, Bursa Securities may take the necessary enforcement action.