[ As at 27 January 2015 ]


Part A

Contents of announcement in relation to shares purchased
(paragraph 12.19)​ ​
(1)The date of purchase.
(2)The description of shares purchased.
(3)​The number of shares purchased.
(4)The price of each share or, where relevant, the highest and lowest price paid.
(5)The total consideration paid.
(6)The number of shares purchased retained in treasury.
(7)The number of shares purchased which are proposed to be cancelled.
(8)The cumulative net outstanding treasury shares at the date of notification, where applicable.
(9)Where all or any of the shares are proposed to be cancelled, the adjusted share capital.
Part B​ ​
Contents of announcement in relation to resale of shares
(paragraph 12.20)
(1)​The date of resale.
(2) The description of shares resold.
(3)The number of shares resold.
(4) The resale price of each share or, where relevant, the highest and lowest resale price sold.
(5) ​The total consideration received.
(6)​The cumulative net outstanding treasury shares at the date of notification, where applicable.
Part C​ ​
Contents of announcement in relation to cancellation of shares
(paragraph 12.21)
(1)The number of shares cancelled.
(2)The date of cancellation.
(3)The outstanding and paid-up capital of the listed corporation after cancellation.

[ End of Appendix ]

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