[ As at 25 March 2013 ]


Contents of announcement in relation to a proposed subdivision of shares
(paragraph 13.10)

​​​(1)The number, type and par value of the existing and proposed subdivided shares.
​(2)The ranking of the proposed subdivided shares.
​​​(3)The reasons for and purpose of the proposed subdivision.
​(4)The details of the proposed subdivision.
​​​(5)The effect of the proposed subdivision on -
​(a)the issued and paid-up capital and shares to be issued pursuant to existing share option schemes or shares to be issued pursuant to the exercise and/or conversion of existing convertible securities;
​(b)the net assets per share based on the latest audited consolidated financial statements; and
​(c)​the earnings per share of the group.
​(6)The approvals required for the proposed subdivision of shares and the estimated time frame for submission of the application to the relevant authorities.
​(7)Whether a suspension will be imposed on the trading of the shares in view of the proposed subdivision.

[ End of Appendix ]

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